Cyclical Balance (Order, Freedom,Society & Religion)

Order is a prerequisite for the Freedom required in a Society to allow for civility to manifest, which then overtime (centuries) morphs into a Civilization.

Human (animal) is born primarily with Individualist instincts and it is the Society (where he’s raised) that transforms these instincts into behaviors that are better suited for the Group’s survival vs. Individual survival (Civilization being the largest unit of a Group).

As our birth Instincts are too personal and too powerful for Societal Laws alone to mellow; Religion-which answers and appeals at a personal level-helps that Order which the Society dearly needs to garner Freedom and thenceforth Civilization…circling back to where we had started.

Too much Order stifles Freedom. And too much Freedom (Liberty) threatens Order.

The Modernist’s demand (an impossible one) to have Religion subjected to explanation by logic of Rationalism and laws of Science, further undermines and eliminates the Religion’s support that Order very much needs in the first place.

Unrestrained Freedom ergo in sum total, challenges the very foundation it is built upon.

And this unchecked, unchallenged Freedom (Liberty) is what historians (Will Durant) believe Western society is going through.

While Western Civilization naturally worked its way out from a Medieval (dark) age, went through the age of Reason (~17th/18th centuries) and then landed into the age of Modernity and Freedom (~19th/20th centuries); their counterpart Islamic Civilization did not (good or bad or why, i am not sure) go through and therefore did not grow out of its “nigredo” (Jungian term) or dark age and went directly into its Golden age of Modernity (~10th-12th centuries).

Islamic Civilization is being challenged now (~previous 5-6 centuries) with the “nigredo” it had skipped in its beginnings. It is naturally being demanded of it, if it is to & in order for it to individuate. Or else face a natural decay.

It’s Nature’s Law (Will of God) that these processes (Order-Freedom cycles/balance) are unavoidable. How would Islamic Civilization come out of this impalpable yet seismic metamorphosis is not for one (me) to predict.

The pace of these transitions and the events that shape this process are generational in nature and therefore are incomprehensible in an ordinary individual’s lifespan or in a cursory attempt at snapshot cross-sectional view of the History.

What history of civilizations does tell us is that, neither too much Order nor unrestrained Freedom is good. And a Civilization grows only where a Group’s survival is collectively agreed upon as more important than to an Individual’s

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